Teaching and Learning Blog

Inclusive Classrooms

I have truly enjoyed learning about inclusive classrooms and the importance of inclusion in a classroom. I am extremely grateful to have had a positive learning experience throughout my educational career. All through elementary, middle, and high school I was a part of inclusive classroom settings and positive learning experiences. These experiences, along with class work that I have done throughout the BEd program so far, have really made me realize the importance of inclusion. Because of the deeper understanding I have now I see how it is something I will have to encourage in my future classroom.

Diverse Learning Experiences

I am very passionate about diversity and inclusion. As I have mentioned in my previous blog post, inclusive classrooms are something that I have learned more about since the beginning of this school year. Diversity is also something that I have learned a lot more about and I enjoy learning about this topic. I strongly believe that diversity is an important aspect for any classroom. I have tailored a variety of my lesson plans around the diversity present in the classroom. Such as educating students on the wide range of traditions practiced amongst families and cultures. I look forward to educating my students on the diversity that is present in our everyday lives, around the world, and in our very own classrooms.

Place Based Education

I have come to learn more about the importance of place based learning throughout this school year. Especially in my EDEF 3200 course, as well as my EDSO 3200 course. I have gained a deeper sense of understanding regarding place based education and it is something I strongly believe in encouraging going forward. I have learned that students can learn a wide variety of information when visiting the place itself. Such as taking field trips to farms, museums, and travelling. I personally have learned a great deal of information over the years when travelling to locations such as greenhouses for science class, local farms for socials class, museums for socials class, and so on.